Common Questions About Gastric Bypass Surgery:

What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Essentially, gastric bypass (also known as Roux-en-Y) is a type of bariatric surgery that helps a patient lose weight. This surgery differs from, say, a stomach size-reducing surgery in that it doesn’t stop there. With a Roux-en-Y bypass, the following things happen during your surgery:

  1. Your surgeon creates a small pouch out of your stomach.

  2. They connect this pouch directly to the small intestine, further down the line.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Gastric Bypass?

Generally speaking, doctors don’t recommend bariatric surgeries to patients with a BMI less than 40. However, some patients with comorbidities (potentially life-threatening conditions related to obesity) may have bariatric surgery recommended to them starting at BMI 30.

What Should I Expect From My Surgery?

To prepare for your surgery, your doctor may require that you start exercising in some capacity. You will also need to stop using tobacco products and likely will need to fast for 12-24 hours. Your surgeon also may ask you to stop taking certain medications. Make sure to arrange for any help you will need at home while preparing for your surgery.

Your surgeon will have an anesthesiologist put you to sleep, and then they will use laparoscopic techniques to perform your surgery. After your surgery, you will awaken in a recovery room and will probably stay there for two or more days. After your procedure, you’ll need to stick to a very strict diet and transition slowly from liquids to purees to soft foods

What Are the Pros & Cons of Gastric Bypass?

One obvious pro to gastric bypass surgery is that it can help you lose weight. However, keep in mind that this is a major surgery, and other weight loss techniques carry less risk. The cons of any surgery involve certain risks like internal bleeding, throwing a clot, accidental bowel perforation, and more. Keep in mind that you are also limiting how much nutrient intake your body can get. For this reason, you’ll probably be on a multivitamin or something similar indefinitely.

Other Common Questions

We also often hear the question “how serious is gastric bypass surgery?” Depending on your physical health, surgery may or may not be risky for you. Gastric bypass is not an open surgery, but multiple organs are being cut and sutured, making the healing process lengthy – about four to six weeks.

If you’re wondering “how long does gastric bypass last,” this procedure stays intact until you have a surgical reversal. When you have your reversal, it’s important to have made lifestyle changes and improved your portion control.

Finally, if your question is “does insurance cover gastric bypass,” you’re going to need to take that up with your insurance company. Most insurance companies will cover this surgery under certain conditions, with the conditions usually meeting the ones we discussed above. Keep in mind that your insurance provider may only cover a percentage of your surgery. Get all of the facts before you go into the operating room.

The Suncoast Surgical Team: Dr. Alpendre

If you’re seriously considering bariatric surgery options like a gastric bypass, get in touch with or get a referral to work with Dr. Alpendre’s team. All of the Suncoast Surgical team members are incredibly talented and can help you get the results you’re hoping for.


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